Success stories

  • Training levy

Through its representation on the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board’s (ECITB) council, committees and working groups, BCECA provides valuable intelligence, which supports good decision making. This constructive engagement resulted in positive changes to Training Levy rates for in-scope employers in 2013 and 2016.

Close working with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education led to the development of a new Level 4 Apprenticeship Standard in Information Management.

  • Immigration and skills

BCECA responds to consultations and talks with government, ministers and parliamentarians on matters of current concern to the sector, including immigration visa requirements, apprenticeship levy and off-payroll working. This activity has seen some success.

Working through Newland Chase Solicitors, BCECA secured significant concessions to the Tier 2 visa arrangements, thereby making it more straightforward for member companies to bring essential skills to the UK for project start-ups etc.

Immigration and skills
  • Professional development

Through collaboration with several Professional Engineering Institutions, BCECA continues to shape the development of learning outcomes from undergraduate degree programmes and the professional formation of process and energy engineers.

This ensures that graduate learning outcomes and routes to professional progression are better aligned with the changing needs of employers in the engineering contracting sector.

Professional development
Strengthen BCECA’s collective voice on the issues that matter to the engineering contracting sector. Get involved by contacting our Chief Executive, Tracey Shelley, on +44 207 0918652 or email [email protected]